Diffractive Dis from the Color Dipole Bfkl Pomeron
The microscopic QCD mechanism of diffractive DIS (DDIS) is a grazing, quasielastic scattering of multiparton Fock states of the photon on the target proton, which is best described viewing these Fock states as systems of color dipoles spanned between quarks, antiquarks and gluons [1, 2, 3]. In inclusive DIS, the effect of gluons in the photon is reabsorbed into the Bjorken x dependence of the color dipole cross section σ(x, r), which satisfies the running gBFKL equation [3, 4]. In the pQCD domain of small dipoles r
منابع مشابه
Diffractive Dis from the Generalized Bfkl Pomeron. Predictions for Hera
We present microscopic QCD calculation of the cross section of diffractive DIS and of the partonic structure of the pomeron from the dipole approach to the generalized BFKL pomeron. We show that the pomeron can not be treated as a particle with uniquely defined structure function and flux in the proton. We find strong factorization breaking which can approximately be described by the two-compon...
متن کاملDirect calculation of the triple - pomeron coupling for diffractive DIS and real photoproduction
We present a unified direct calculation of the triple-pomeron coupling A3IP(Q ) for diffractive real photoproduction (Q = 0) and deep inelastic scattering at large Q in the framework of the dipole approach to the generalized BFKL pomeron. The small phenomenological value of A3IP(0) ≈ 0.16GeV, which was a mystery, is related to the small correlation radius Rc ≈ 0.3 fm for the perturbative gluons...
متن کاملSurvivial Probability for Higgs Diffractive Production in High Density Qcd
The BFKL pomeron loop diagram is calculated for the diffractive Higgs production. In order to do this the exact expression for the Triple Pomeron Vertex is calculated using the QCD dipole picture.The estimated value for the survival probability (S) is given. It was found that the hard pomeron scattering process contributes substantially in S.
متن کاملScanning the BFKL pomeron in elastic production of vector mesons at HERA
Elastic production of vector mesons γ∗N → V N is the pomeron-exchange dominated diffractive reaction with much potential of probing the BFKL pomeron. The BFKL pomeron can conveniently be described in terms of the dipole cross section which is a solution of the generalized BFKL equation. In this paper we discuss, how the energy and Q dependence of elastic production of vector mesons at HERA will...
متن کاملPhenomenology of the BFKL Pomeron and Unitarity Corrections at low x
The low x limit of deep inelastic electron proton scattering is considered using methods of per-turbative QCD. In the first part we investigate the phenomenological consequences of the resum-mation of leading logarithms in 1/x given by the BFKL pomeron. We apply the BFKL pomeron to the inclusive structure function F 2 , to the diffractive production of vector mesons at large momentum transfer, ...
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